by Tom DeWolf | Mar 21, 2011 | Appearances by Tom, Traces of the Trade
(UPDATE: Click here for photos from the post-screening discussion at the U.N. — I was glad to see that roughly 300 people were estimated to be in attendance.) Traces of the Trade: A Story from the Deep North will be featured during the 2011 week of...
by Tom DeWolf | Mar 8, 2011 | Appearances by Tom, History, Genealogy
On May 30, 1921, a black man named Dick Rowland entered an elevator operated by a white woman, Sarah Page, in the Drexel Building in Tulsa, Oklahoma. What happened next is known only to Rowland and Page. One version is that the elevator jerked, and they stumbled into...
by Tom DeWolf | Feb 28, 2011 | Author Stuff, Writing, History, Genealogy
Morbid? Weird? Creepy? Nope, none of those things. Cemeteries hold much more than people who have left this life. They hold memories, history, and stories. I love cemeteries… Most readers of this blog are aware that I’m writing a new book with a partner,...
by Tom DeWolf | Feb 19, 2011 | Appearances by Tom
I’m often asked if I ever encounter people–black or white–at the presentations I give that express anger at me in reaction to the message I share. Do black people demand “reparations” due to the slave-traders in my family’s distant...
by Tom DeWolf | Feb 11, 2011 | Appearances by Tom
Anyone who travels a lot has surely experienced travel travails. It’s a good thing I rather enjoy traveling–for the most part. Winter offers the most challenges. Take the past few weeks for instance… My wife Lindi, my writing partner Sharon Morgan,...
by Tom DeWolf | Jan 31, 2011 | Author Stuff, Writing, Coming to the Table
It’s official! The ink is dry on the contract! Beacon Press will publish the book that my friend and new writing partner Sharon Leslie Morgan and I are co-authoring. I’m excited to be associated with this prestigious publisher AND to have the opportunity...
by Tom DeWolf | Jan 28, 2011 | Other Musings
My sister wrote to ask me if we’re related to Molly DeWolf Swenson, the phenom who sang Sitting on the Dock of the Bay on American Idol on the January 26 episode. Molly became an instant sensation both for her terrific voice as well as for her encounter with...
by Tom DeWolf | Jan 20, 2011 | History, Genealogy
Fifty years ago, on January 20, 1961, the torch was passed to a new generation when John F. Kennedy was inaugurated as President of the United States. The address he gave is one of the most inspiring and important speeches of 20th century. The John F. Kennedy School...
by Tom DeWolf | Jan 14, 2011 | Books, Reviews, Coming to the Table
It turns out that the stories about Thomas Jefferson I learned while growing up don’t exactly tell the whole story. Funny how that happens with “history” sometimes… lots of times. Thomas Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence, was the...
by Tom DeWolf | Jan 9, 2011 | Coming to the Table, Race, Oppression, Privilege
I met Susan Hutchison through my involvement with Coming to the Table, a group of people committed to acknowledge, understand, and heal the persistent wounds of the legacy of slavery. Susan is one of the co-founders of this remarkable organization and a descendant of...