Moments Count

Earlier this year I got connected through Facebook to Brooke Leigh Sheldon and Valli Keller via a friend of a friend (that’s how Facebook rolls, right?). Brooke asked if I wanted more communication than simply the FB connection. We set up a conference call for...

Fix Racism! the 10-point guide

We’re excited to announce that ours is one of the websites where you can now download–FOR FREE–the “I Can Fix It” guide to ending racism developed by author/artist/speaker damali ayo. You may have heard of damali’s books (How to...

Tim from Far Away

I want to introduce my friends to a special young man. Tim Howe is a junior in college. He’s presently concluding a “study abroad” program in Africa (Kenya and Tanzania) through Lewis and Clark College. Tim is my 7th cousin. Our common ancestor was...