by Tom DeWolf | Jan 7, 2011 | Race, Oppression, Privilege
UPDATE: watch an inspiring video with the newly freed Scott sisters here. I’m thrilled to spread the word that after more than 16 years in prison, Jamie and Gladys Scott finally left prison in Mississippi today and will be reunited with their family in...
by Tom DeWolf | Jan 5, 2011 | Books, Reviews, Race, Oppression, Privilege
UPDATE: for another thoughtful perspective on this subject, I encourage you to read my cousin James DeWolf Perry’s post, Censorship, the ‘n-word,’ and Mark Twain’s ‘Huckleberry Finn’ Mark Twain defined a “classic” book as one “which people...
by Tom DeWolf | Dec 29, 2010 | Politics, Race, Oppression, Privilege
UPDATE (Jan 1): Gladys Scott calls NY Times columnist Bob Herbert. Read his column about their New Year’s Eve conversation here. “I was happy for the Scott sisters and deeply moved as Gladys spoke of how desperately she wanted to “just hold” her two...
by Tom DeWolf | Dec 23, 2010 | Author Stuff, Writing
Earlier this year I got connected through Facebook to Brooke Leigh Sheldon and Valli Keller via a friend of a friend (that’s how Facebook rolls, right?). Brooke asked if I wanted more communication than simply the FB connection. We set up a conference call for...
by Tom DeWolf | Dec 21, 2010 | Coming to the Table
Too often at this time of year we rush about fulfilling our various obligations in gift-giving, card-sending, and party-attending, and battle lines are drawn between those who see “Merry Christmas” versus “Happy Holidays” greetings as a...
by Tom DeWolf | Dec 10, 2010 | Books, Reviews
The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks is one of the best books I read this year. You can read my review from July here. I just learned that the author, Rebecca Skloot, has been named one of the “Five Surprising Leaders of 2010” by the Washington Post. My...
by Tom DeWolf | Dec 9, 2010 | Books, Reviews
We’re excited to announce that ours is one of the websites where you can now download–FOR FREE–the “I Can Fix It” guide to ending racism developed by author/artist/speaker damali ayo. You may have heard of damali’s books (How to...
by Tom DeWolf | Dec 6, 2010 | Race, Oppression, Privilege
When I [saw] teenagers going around, going to the movies and just being a teen … I just couldn’t understand why my life has to be this way … –“Nicole,” human trafficking victim Whenever I discuss modern-day slavery with...
by Tom DeWolf | Dec 3, 2010 | Books, Reviews, Movies, Reviews
When I was a child television news in our home meant Walter Cronkite. In junior high school history class we watched his “You Are There” series of historical reenactments. There were reasons he was the most trusted man in America; why President Johnson...
by Tom DeWolf | Nov 26, 2010 | Inheriting the Trade
I want to introduce my friends to a special young man. Tim Howe is a junior in college. He’s presently concluding a “study abroad” program in Africa (Kenya and Tanzania) through Lewis and Clark College. Tim is my 7th cousin. Our common ancestor was...