by Tom DeWolf | Jun 24, 2011 | History, Genealogy, Peacebuilding
White man with a guitar leans on black man playing a saxophone. Both are dressed in black and white clothes. White album cover. Everything about the Born to Run album cover is black and white. Very little about Bruce Springsteen and Clarence Clemons was. They...
by Tom DeWolf | Jun 22, 2011 | Coming to the Table
I was thrilled to see the June 27, 2011 issue of People Magazine on the newstand at the airport as I was flying home last week. This issue features an article titled “Healing Slavery’s Wounds” beginning on page 66. It focuses on four stories of black...
by Tom DeWolf | Jun 8, 2011 | History, Genealogy, Race, Oppression, Privilege, Trauma and Healing
I received notice through the Coming to the Table network that on Wednesday, June 8, 2011, an historical marker will be unveiled in Front Royal, Virginia marking a significant event in school desegregation. The father of my CTTT friend Betty Kilby Baldwin won a...
by Tom DeWolf | May 21, 2011 | Healthy Living
“We have a fuel leak on the right side of the plane. We need to evacuate.” The pilot’s voice got everyone’s attention. I heard the word “evacuate” but wasn’t sure about the rest of what he said through the distortion in the...
by Tom DeWolf | May 16, 2011 | Trauma and Healing
I recently made a new Facebook friend when a woman I’ve never met sent me a brief story and a video. With her permission, I share them with you here. I’m a lesbian activist living in Oakland, California. I’m a house painter and sometimes, a...
by Tom DeWolf | May 3, 2011 | Peacebuilding, Trauma and Healing
When Belvie told me over the phone about her experience with “healing constellations” at a conference she recently attended in Boston I didn’t really get it. “It’s hard to explain” she said. Then she told me she invited the man who...
by Tom DeWolf | Apr 20, 2011 | Race, Oppression, Privilege
I’ll be in San Francisco April 21 and 22 for two full, rich days of ConverZations That Matter. My friend and colleague Belvie Rooks hosts this ongoing series of converZations that invite us to reach more deeply into issues that matter, into our hearts, and into...
by Tom DeWolf | Apr 12, 2011 | Author Stuff, Writing, History, Genealogy
My cousins James DeWolf Perry and Katrina Browne have written an opinion piece for CNN entitled “Civil War’s Dirty Secret About Slavery.” I encourage you to read the article and ponder what James and Katrina have written. It begins This week marks...
by Tom DeWolf | Apr 8, 2011 | Appearances by Tom
You might think that linking myself to famed spiritual author and speaker Deepak Chopra, Apollo 14 Astronaut Edgar Mitchell in the title of this post is intended as an “attention-getter” and you would be correct. It’s also accurate and I hope...
by Tom DeWolf | Apr 4, 2011 | Author Stuff, Writing, History, Genealogy, Race, Oppression, Privilege
In addition to publishing my books, Beacon Press gives me the opportunity to discuss important issues on their wonderful blog Beacon Broadside. Today (April 4) I was asked to write an essay in connection with the 43rd anniversary of the assassination of Dr. Martin...