New on YouTube

We’ve posted a new video on YouTube about presentations I’ve done (and continue to do). This is a brief intro that utilizes photos and video footage from appearances I’ve made over the past several years at colleges, universities, conferences,...

The Problem We All Live With

Thank you to my Coming to the Table friends Sharon Morgan and Edie Lee Harris for sharing this story. In 1960, a 6-year old African American girl named Ruby Bridges was escorted by federal marshals into an elementary school in New Orleans after integration became the...

From Slavery to Stardust

Part of what kept us centered throughout this beautiful, tumultuous, and sometimes painful journey was that we sometimes had to remind ourselves that our story did not begin in these hard and musty dungeons but that our journey started billions of years ago in the...

My Perestroika

This wonderful documentary introduces us to five ordinary Russian people. They grew up in the Soviet Union, watched that system collapse during their teenage years, witnessed the extraordinary political changes that resulted, and raised families in post-Soviet Russia....

Join Coming to the Table on Facebook

I’ve spoken and written a lot about Coming to the Table over the past five years since I participated in the first weekend gathering of descendants of enslaved and enslaving people in January 2006. Gather at the Table, the book Sharon Morgan and I are writing...

The Sky is Falling! The Sky is Falling!

It’s obvious to me now. Chicken Little has taken over Washington, DC. A tiny fowl succeeded in a fiendish coup d’etat in which almost every member of Congress (with the possible exception of Senator Bernie Sanders) and many political pundits have been...

Uncle Tom

More than fifteen years ago I walked from my office to a local elementary school once each week to read with a little first grade boy for half an hour to help increase his reading skills. That little boy is now a bright young man in college. When he found out that I...