Al-Jazeera buys Current TV… wait… WHAT?!

Current TV, the cable channel co-founded by Al Gore, has been sold to – gasp – Al-Jazeera. Within hours, Time Warner Cable dropped Current TV like a hot frying pan – reducing Current TV’s potential viewership by about 9 million. About the deal,...

Happy Birthday, J.D. Salinger

J.D. Salinger was born January 1, 1919. He died 91 years later on January 27, 2010. Catcher in the Rye was his only novel; published in 1951. A few years ago I pulled out Catcher and began typing it word-for-word into my computer. I wanted to know what it felt like to...

The world did not end. So NOW what?

“Heh, heh, them Mayans didn’t know crap,” harrumphs the little voice that prattles about in my head. “Fine with me,” I reply. “I’m still here and my course is set.” “Says you.” “Yeah, says me!” “Fifty-eight years old and you wanna go back to college?” the voice prods...

My Country’s Insane Obsession with Guns

Like most every American, I am horrified and saddened by the brutal and senseless killings that took place at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut. Our horror is multiplied because so many of the victims were young children. My heart, my prayers, and my...