by Tom DeWolf | Oct 9, 2012 | Uncategorized
The day my co-author Sharon Morgan and I have worked toward for more than three years has arrived. Beacon Press releases Gather at the Table today! Order yours TODAY (click here). By way of thanks, anyone who orders Gather at the Table today (or has already...
by Tom DeWolf | Oct 1, 2012 | Race, Oppression, Privilege
I first learned about RACE: Are We So Different? in advance of my April 2010 work with the Southwest Michigan Black Heritage Society in Kalamazoo, Michigan. The exhibit was about to visit the Kalamazoo Valley Museum that year. My visit was to help spark community-wide...
by Tom DeWolf | Sep 26, 2012 | Books, Reviews, Coming to the Table
One week after Gather at the Table is released on October 9, another book will be published that I hope my readers will strongly consider picking up. Master of the Mountain: Thomas Jefferson and His Slaves will be published on October 16. I first encountered author...
by Tom DeWolf | Sep 19, 2012 | Author Stuff, Writing
Oh, yeah. Sold out. As in… they be gone. As I write these words, there are exactly TWO copies remaining of the hard cover edition of my first book, Inheriting the Trade, at the Beacon Press warehouse. That’s it. At that point it’s a sell out (and I...
by Tom DeWolf | Sep 16, 2012 | Movies, Reviews, Other Musings
Wisdom from the mouths of babes – in this case, my five-year old granddaughter who confused “parrots” with “parents” in a most amusing and enlightening way… “The hardest part of my work toward undoing racism is when white...
by Tom DeWolf | Aug 31, 2012 | Author Stuff, Writing
This is a cross-post of an announcement from earlier today at Gather at the Table. The Foreword to Gather at the Table, written by Joy Angela DeGruy, has been available through a link on the home page of our website for the past two months. Now you can read the first...
by Tom DeWolf | Aug 30, 2012 | Politics
Racism in politics is nothing new. But over the past half century it has been pushed more and more into the closet, so to speak. Now, with a black man in the white house, racism is on full display. Sure, a lot of racist statements are still couched in coded language...
by Tom DeWolf | Aug 19, 2012 | Politics
I’ve posted several items to my Facebook page regarding the new voter I.D. laws sprouting up all over the nation. I do my best to not be blatantly partisan in what I write; which includes a great deal about racism, discrimination, prejudice, and oppression. Lord...
by Tom DeWolf | Jul 20, 2012 | Trauma and Healing
I woke up this morning to the horrifying news that 12 people were killed at a movie theater in Aurora, Colorado last night. Tommy Nugent, a Facebook friend of mine wrote, “Strip us naked at the airport all day long for security… it’s the Colorado...
by Tom DeWolf | Jul 18, 2012 | Trauma and Healing
I know the world is a dangerous place. I understand that there are people who want to attack the United States and kill Americans. I realize that American Presidents face decisions unfathomable to most citizens they pledge to protect. But something has changed in the...