National Endowment for the Arts cuts PBS funding

It was announced today that the federal National Endowment for the Arts has made sweeping funding cuts to established PBS shows. More details are available here. I can’t measure the the impact of this, or fully wrap my head around it. This will take time (and...

Gather at the Table

With the new book scheduled for publication on October 9, my writing partner Sharon Morgan and I have been updating our progress on our Gather at the Table blog much more than I have at this site. If you’re interested in reading about our writing progress, what...

Is America ready for a white First Lady?

Seriously? Oh, puh-lease, Mr. Gingrich! For those who haven’t heard the latest political kerfuffle, actor Robert DeNiro spoke at an Obama fundraiser at which Michelle Obama was the featured headliner. He led off with a joke… Callista Gingrich. Karen...