by Tom DeWolf | Nov 18, 2015 | Books, Reviews
I ran across Kent Haruf’s Our Souls at Night while looking for something else at the library. It looked interesting so I checked it out. I’m so glad I did. A wonderful story about Addie and Louis, two long-time neighbors whose spouses have both passed...
by Tom DeWolf | Nov 17, 2015 | Author Stuff, Writing, Gather at the Table, Inheriting the Trade
I love my life as a writer for several reasons. Primarily, I enjoy the craft of writing; the satisfaction I get from putting my thoughts into words. I love the research, the impact on my own thinking, and turning it all into words on a page; the art of creating...
by Tom DeWolf | Nov 5, 2015 | Books, Reviews
Toni Morrison says of Between the World and Me, Ta-Nehisi Coates’s letter-in-book-form to his teenage son, “This is required reading.” As one who has been enculturated throughout my life to believe I am “white” I not only agree with Ms....
by Tom DeWolf | Oct 16, 2015 | Other Musings
My intention was to write a brief post about a bench, the picture of which I had posted on Facebook. But I didn’t get any other writing done on the day I composed this. My intention is to work on writing projects first thing each day. But I let the world intrude...
by Tom DeWolf | Oct 13, 2015 | Author Stuff, Writing
Katrina Browne extended the official invitation to me in February 2001. I would join her and eight other distant cousins in a few months to retrace the Triangle Slave Trade route of our slave-trading ancestors from Rhode Island to Ghana to Cuba and back. She would...
by Tom DeWolf | Jul 31, 2015 | Books, Reviews, Coming to the Table, Gather at the Table
For the past two and a half years I have worked for a non-profit organization I’ve been part of since it was formed almost 10 years ago. Coming to the Table is a committed and growing group of people providing leadership, resources and a supportive environment...
by Tom DeWolf | Jul 4, 2015 | Author Stuff, Writing, Race, Oppression, Privilege, Traces of the Trade
Before I signed a contract with Beacon Press to publish my first book, the working title of my manuscript was The Immeasurable Distance Between Us. I envisioned the cover of my book long before publication, with an image of a young teacher from Chicago and me walking...
by Tom DeWolf | Jun 29, 2015 | Peacebuilding, Race, Oppression, Privilege
I remember the moment well. I was 14-years old. The 1968 Olympics in Mexico City were astounding. I was a fledgling long- and high-jumper in junior high school. When Bob Beamon broke the long jump world record – not by inches, but by almost two FEET – it...
by Tom DeWolf | Jun 23, 2015 | Coming to the Table, Gather at the Table, Infinite Possibilities, Movies, Reviews, Trauma and Healing
My oldest granddaughter (age 8) and I went to see Inside Out, the new Disney/Pixar flick, during its opening weekend. In connection with my writing, my study of Trauma Healing and Infinite Possibilities, and my work with Coming to the Table, this is one powerful...
by Tom DeWolf | Jun 2, 2015 | Author Stuff, Writing, Movies, Reviews
I first became seriously fascinated with deprivation tanks when I watched Altered States in 1980; the William Hurt/Blair Brown sci-fi, love story about a Harvard professor who drinks a spoonful of psychedelic mushroom juice from South America before slipping into the...