Reading Vacations

I recently discovered BookBlips, a site “for people passionate about books, and the news and events that emerge from the world of books.” A guest blog called “Booking Through Thursday” posed a question that appealed to me: “What’s the...

Janis Ian’s “front row guy”

Janis Ian achieved fame as a singer/songwriter at a young age. She wrote Society’s Child at age 13. Due to its controversial theme of love between a black boy and a white girl many record producers wouldn’t touch it. Radio DJ’s wouldn’t play...

Eddy Miller (1951-2009)

A friend of mine died on June 20. Yesterday afternoon Lindi and I attended the memorial service in his honor. My guess is that very few people who read this will have known Eddy. Hopefully you have a friend like Eddy. Eddy was the kind of person that not only did...

Jimmy Carter quits church over treatment of women

Like many people who were disappointed in the presidency of Jimmy Carter I consider him the greatest ex-president in American history. What he has done since leaving office is truly inspiring. He raised the awareness of Habitat for Humanity more than any living human....