by Tom DeWolf | Oct 17, 2014 | Author Stuff, Writing, Other Musings
Much of my life is occupied with words. I write; always working on my next book. I also read books; lots of them. I am always reading at least one book, sometimes two (only when one is a novel and the other is a book about the craft of writing). My work as a public...
by Tom DeWolf | Sep 26, 2014 | Other Musings
My friend Wiletta Woodson died this morning. I’m sad that I won’t have the joy of talking with her anymore in this lifetime; though I’m certain we’ll have plenty to discuss in the next go-round. But I’m not weeping at her passing. Wiletta...
by Tom DeWolf | Aug 31, 2014 | Author Stuff, Writing, Books, Reviews
I read a review of My Salinger Year, by Joanna Rakoff, in Entertainment Weekly last month. Though I had a pile of other books to read, the review inspired me to reserve this one at the library. It came in the same time as two other books high on my ‘must read...
by Tom DeWolf | Aug 13, 2014 | Other Musings, Trauma and Healing
I’ve been thinking a lot about Robin Williams this week. Reading stories and blog posts and opinion pieces as people who were impacted by his art, his humor, and his life come to grips with his death. And an image keeps popping up in my head; a very pleasant...
by Tom DeWolf | Jul 31, 2014 | Peacebuilding, Trauma and Healing
Yesterday I received an email from Daryl Byler, Executive Director of the Center for Justice & Peacebuilding (CJP) at Eastern Mennonite University. EMU is a place I have studied and will continue to study issues of trauma, restorative justice, conflict resolution,...
by Tom DeWolf | Jul 22, 2014 | Author Stuff, Writing
I learned it from Lindi, my wife. We were walking. Talking. It seems like we used to walk and talk more often as we made plans for our life together. Short and long term goals. Ideas. Musings. Fears. Dreams. One day, while talking about how hard it is to do what we...
by Tom DeWolf | Jun 5, 2014 | Coming to the Table
The National Gathering of Coming to the Table took place at Eastern Mennonite University during the Summer Peacebuilding Institute May 23-25. An article about the gathering, “Desire to address, heal, traumatic legacy of U.S. slavery sparks growth in Coming to...
by Tom DeWolf | May 4, 2014 | Coming to the Table, Gather at the Table, Politics, Race, Oppression, Privilege
Visiting our son’s family in Maryland, including our new, 1-month-old grandson, I sat down on Sunday morning with the Washington Post. In it I read Jonathan Capehart’s opinion piece, “That honest conversation about race everyone wants? We can’t...
by Tom DeWolf | Mar 17, 2014 | Author Stuff, Writing, Books, Reviews
I had the pleasure of being in the audience to listen to Cheryl Strayed in Bend, Oregon last night. Her appearance was part of the Deschutes Public Library Foundation’s Author! Author! series. After having spent so much of my time since Gather at the Table was...
by Tom DeWolf | Nov 27, 2013 | Appearances by Tom, Books, Reviews
You going shopping on Black Friday? Well, save your energy for Small Business Saturday; and particularly Indies First! That’s MY focus this weekend! I was thrilled last month when I received an invitation from my friends at Paulina Springs Books to join them as...