by Tom DeWolf | Jan 6, 2010 | Appearances by Tom, Books, Reviews, Inheriting the Trade, Traces of the Trade
If your book club selects Inheriting the Trade to read this year, I’m happy to join you–whereever you live–via Skype. I’ve now joined several book clubs for some terrific conversations and have been happy to answer questions about the book, the...
by Tom DeWolf | Dec 31, 2009 | Books, Reviews, Healthy Living, Movies, Reviews
I’m not making any resolutions for the coming year. They invariably lead to disappointment when I falter. I’m committing to “try” to live up to my “hopes” in the coming year. I can already hear my daughters saying, “What did Yoda say in The Empire Strikes Back, Dad?...
by Tom DeWolf | Dec 27, 2009 | Movies, Reviews
Last May I attended the Summer Peacebuilding Institute at Eastern Mennonite University for the second year in a row. I hope to attend again this coming summer. On the final evening of classes all students are invited to attend (and participate in) a potluck meal and...
by Tom DeWolf | Dec 19, 2009 | Books, Reviews, History, Genealogy, Race, Oppression, Privilege, Trauma and Healing
Dr. Joy DeGruy (formerly Dr. Joy DeGruy Leary), author of Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome: America’s Legacy of Enduring Injury and Healing, is a member of the Bahá’í faith community. Understanding this context breathes deeper meaning into Dr. DeGruy’s...
by Tom DeWolf | Dec 14, 2009 | Traces of the Trade
Traces of the Trade: A Story from the Deep North won the “Spirit of Freedom: Documentary Award” at the 6th annual Bahamas International Film Festival this weekend. 86 films, from 26 different countries were featured in the festival. For more information...
by Tom DeWolf | Dec 12, 2009 | Appearances by Tom, Race, Oppression, Privilege
When Belvie Rooks asked me to join her for a presentation at the Denver Green Festival earlier this year I jumped at the opportunity. Working with Belvie in both Denver and at the Institute of Noetic Sciences conference in Tucson have been true highlights of my...
by Tom DeWolf | Dec 3, 2009 | Politics
I’m exceedingly disappointed in President Obama’s decision to send an additional 30,000 troops to Afghanistan. I’ve had a sinking feeling for many weeks that his decision regarding this war would be something along these lines. As Nicholas Kristof...
by Tom DeWolf | Nov 27, 2009 | Peacebuilding, Trauma and Healing
How often do we engage in deep conversations with other people? How well do we listen? It seems to me that the unwillingness or inability to effectively listen to each others’ stories is a significant contributing factor to misunderstanding and damaged...
by Tom DeWolf | Nov 25, 2009 | Race, Oppression, Privilege
I’m thankful for a lot this Thanksgiving… family, friends, love, health, and those who are committed to justice and peace. And I’m thankful for Luis CdeBaca. CdeBaca is President Obama’s “Ambassador-at-Large” who fights modern day...
by Tom DeWolf | Nov 13, 2009 | Author Stuff, Writing
Y’all may remember that I was scheduled for an online chat at the Writer’s Chatroom with writers, aspiring writers, readers, and other interested folks on September 5. And the server crashed. In 7 years of weekly chats with authors this had never happened...