by Tom DeWolf | Jul 7, 2012 | Inheriting the Trade
When I was a child in the 50’s and 60’s, there were two black families who attended the same church my family did. Mr. Bailey owned a grocery store. He gave several of my friends their first work experience when he hired them to work for him. In November...
by Tom DeWolf | Apr 2, 2012 | Race, Oppression, Privilege
In response to my March 23 post — “Trayvon Martin: thoughts from a white parent” — a reader posted the following comment: I cannot stop thinking about all of the Whites, who have been murdered by blacks, because they were in the wrong place at...
by Tom DeWolf | Feb 9, 2012 | Author Stuff, Writing
Five years ago today two incredible events converged that changed my life forever. It had been a very sad week as two close friends of mine had passed away; one quite unexpectedly. This day, February 9, was one filled with joy. Our daughter Jolie went into labor early...
by Tom DeWolf | Dec 6, 2011 | Books, Reviews, Movies, Reviews
The movie of the best-selling novel The Help is now available for home viewing on video. (Spoiler alert! Key plot points are divulged through the web links in this post.) For anyone who missed it in the theater, I highly recommend you watch The Help. When the book...
by Tom DeWolf | Sep 3, 2011 | Gather at the Table, History, Genealogy
Most readers of this blog are familiar with my writing partner and friend Sharon Leslie Morgan. Together we are writing Gather at the Table which will be published by Beacon Press in 2012. One particular area of expertise of Sharon’s is her focus on genealogical...