The Tigers bring a little hope to Detroit

My dad suggested today that I read the cover story in the most recent issue of Sports Illustrated called “Tigertown.” I did. You should too. Detroit, Michigan has been hit harder and longer by the economic downturn than a 95-MPH fastball tagged by Manny...

Susan Boyle: Thoughts Become Things

Each morning I receive a “note from the Universe” to begin my day with a reminder of life’s magic and divinity, that dreams come true, all things are possible, and that my thoughts become things (so choose good thoughts). Since appearing on...

One love, one heart…

Whether you celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah, Eid al-adha, Bodhi Day, Kwanzaa, or simply pray and live for truth, mercy, justice, and peace, I offer you two minutes of Bob Marley’s gift to the world–presented by artists from around the world through Playing...