by Tom DeWolf | May 22, 2008 | Books, Reviews, Inheriting the Trade, Traces of the Trade
The interview that Tom DeWolf and Katrina Browne recorded for the book segment of The Early Show on CBS has now been scheduled to run on June 19. Read all about it at my cousin James DeWolf Perry’s blog: Impertinent Questions.
by Tom DeWolf | May 16, 2008 | Traces of the Trade
I just found out that Oregon Public Broadcasting will run Traces of the Trade on Sunday, June 29, at 10:30pm (rather than Tuesday, June 24, at 10:00pm, which is the typical time in many markets for the P.O.V. season premiere). My understanding is that since P.O.V....
by Tom DeWolf | May 8, 2008 | Appearances by Tom, Inheriting the Trade, Traces of the Trade
Katrina Browne, Holly Fulton & Bill Peebles, Dain & Constance Perry, Juanita Brown, James Perry, and I (along with Traces of the Trade film and outreach staffers Sara Archambault, Michelle Materre, and Jennifer Carr, and film production team members Jude Ray...
by Tom DeWolf | May 5, 2008 | Appearances by Tom, Inheriting the Trade, Traces of the Trade
Filmmaker Katrina Browne participated in the press conference in Newport, Rhode Island this past Wednesday (April 30) when it was announced that Traces of the Trade: A Story from the Deep North will be featured in the 2008 Newport International Film Festival June 3-8....
by Tom DeWolf | May 4, 2008 | Traces of the Trade
One of the most-asked questions we received during (and after) our international journey to make Traces of the Trade was/is some variation of, “What’s next? Now that your family has been exposed to the history of the slave trade in ways that most people...
by Tom DeWolf | Apr 30, 2008 | Appearances by Tom, Inheriting the Trade, Race, Oppression, Privilege, Traces of the Trade
My cousin Katrina Browne (producer/director of Traces of the Trade: A Story from the Deep North) and I were in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania this past week (Thursday, April 24) as part of the National Constitution Center’s year-long “Legacy of 1808”...