Beginning of the tour

The publication of Inheriting the Trade and the World premiere of Traces of the Trade at the Sundance Film Festival are both happening this month. There have been notices in the Washington Post and the Washington City Paper regarding my first appearance at...

Inheriting The Trade available now

I’m new at this. Consequently, I thought that when a publication date of January 9, 2008 was set that it meant that’s when Inheriting the Trade would be available. It turns out that as soon as books are printed and delivered to the warehouse (I’m not...

Sundance Festival Film guide now available

The complete guide to all the films being shown at Sundance is now available for downloading. The World Premiere of Traces of the Trade will take place on the evening of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, Monday, January 21. To make it easy for anyone going to Sundance...

January book tour coming together

One thing I’ve appreciated along the road to publishing my first book is learning from the experiences of others. Jacqueline Deval, in Publicize Your Book (which I found incredibly useful in my own education on the business side of the book world), recommended...