There have been enough stories in the media about Inheriting the Trade that we have gathered links to a lot of what we’re aware of onto a new page on the website titled “media coverage.” You’ll find articles from The Denver Post, the Providence Journal, and the Washington D.C. City Paper, among others. You can listen to radio interviews and watch television interviews, including the author event at Linden Place, in Bristol, Rhode Island, that was televised on C-Span 2 on “Book TV.” You can also read reviews of the book.
We’ll keep this new page updated as more articles, interviews and reviews come in. Huge thanks once again to my cousin James Perry for his dedication to keeping the website up and running and current. I have no discernable computer skills beyond using Microsoft Word for writing, keeping up with my calendar and address book, and sending and receiving e-mails. Having James to support my website and blog, as well as doing the same for the film’s website, is critically important and much appreciated.
In addition to media coverage, we’re also getting more notice from other bloggers. I was glad to see a write-up about the film and book on this “Family Oral History” website and blog.
I hope you enjoy the new feature on the website. We’ve also updated the “schedule” page so you can see where the book tour has taken me in the past on the “archives” page, and we’ll keep the current schedule up to date on the main schedule page.