(photo by Gillian Laub for The New York Times)
I intended to add another post or two regarding the Restorative Justice class I just completed on Friday. I will get to it soon.
I pause to recommend this article in the New York Times about segregated proms at a high school in Georgia… today.
I also recommend the film The Order of Myths for a powerful view of separate black and white Mardi Gras celebrations in Mobile, Alabama. For anyone operating under the delusion that we now live in a post-racial society, this article and film provide ample evidence to the contrary. For those who get movies through Netflix, you can watch The Order of Myths instantly on your computer.
I also read this and it blew me away. The late-20s son of friends of ours did his last bit for the Obama campaign in Florida. We had lunch with him today and he told us of being in a very agricultural/country area of the state and could not believe the racial divide he encountered there.